At right are florite octohedrans in green, clear and purple combinations, (although the pic colour isn't completely accurate). These will make great wrapped earrings and pendants.
I brought home tons of donuts pendant stones as well as the matching drilled stones to augment the pendants, and make matching earrings,rings and bracelets.
Here is a sample of some of them as well as stone
rings. The rings I may keep as such and/or make into pendants or earrings by wrapping other stones in or around them.
The pendant samples from top to bottom, left to right are: green quartz, yellow quartz, two small turquoise, one large irregular turquoise, black agate, crazy lace agate, dalmation jasper, hematite, pyrite, tree jasper, hematite and snowflake obsidian. They are very nice quality and will make exceptional pieces.
I also brought home 3 rough fire opals top right, a amethyst cluster that looked like it had just been dug up, and some amazing (3) blue sunstones. The picture does not do them justice but they are a deep midnight blue with sparking inclusions and the perfect shapes for wrapping.
I picked up many many more interesting stones, beautiful watermelon tourmalines that will make nice earrings and pendants, red calcite that my husband will make great guy jewellery, gold and orange calcite, tiger's eye and much more.
I look forward to creating unique pieces just for you.