Friday, July 17, 2009

Gemstone Care

Gemstone jewellery will look beautiful and last a long time if cared for properly. One thing to remember is that some gemstones are sensitive to light and may change colour if exposed to strong sunlight for a long time. Following is a list of the most common gemstones that will pale or change colour if exposed to continuous sunlight: Amethyst, ametrine, aquamarine, some paler aventurines, beryl, celestite, chrysoprase, citrine, kunzite, hiddenite, rose quartz, smokey quartz.

When cleaning your jewellery also be careful of commercial and abrasive cleaners as they can damage some gemstones. Here is a partial list that are sensitive to cleaners: amber, aquamarine, coral, emerald, jade, lapiz lazuli, malachite, pearls, shells, opals and turquoise. If in doubt about your gemstone don't use the cleaner but consider professional cleaning.

Also it is recommended that jewellery be stored in plastic resealable bags for protection and to prevent tarnishing of metals however some gemstones, such as pearls and opals need to breath and should only be stored in fabric.

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