Tuesday, September 8, 2009

so sorry I haven't updated recently but it has been so hectic with being the Artist in the Park at Presqu'ile and on the Rednersville Art Tour this Labour Day Weekend.
First of all I want to share with you what it was like to be the Artist in the Park. What an amazing experience. Any artist who has the opportunity to be an Artist in the Park should jump at the chance.
Why? Because you get to paint in the most wonderful outdoor surroundings, talk to lots and lots of people, make contacts, publicise yourself and any events your participating in ( Rednersville art tour for me) and through all this also acquire the people skills to promote you and your art, plus have the opportunity for sharing your skills and knowledge to young and old alike and... learn something new for yourself!
I painted from the pictures that the Park naturalist David Bree gave to me. That provided me the opportunity to learn more for example about the differences between Monarch and Viceroy Butterflies, about dragonflies and believe it or not about mushrooms!
I painted at various locations, at the lighthouse, the marsh boardwalk and at the picnic area.
Here are some of the pics of me and painting as well as my finished works. This particular day I talked to 210 people.
Have patience as I upload these because I am still on dial up. (I am in a black hole apparently soooo no highspeed for me)

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